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No Charge. Educational Event.
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Highland Township Public Library
444 Beach Farm Circle
Highland, MI 48356 United States


Fortified Retirement
(833) 542-6300


Don't miss our FREE Seminar!

We'll explain exactly how you can Fortify Your Retirement.

While this seminar is complimentary, seating is limited. Register today to save seats for you and your guest at this exciting event!

No Charge. Educational Event. Nothing Will Be Sold!




Seating is limited - Register today to save seats for you and one guest at this exciting event!

Are You Prepared For Retirement?

Your retirement years should not be a stressful time. You've worked hard your entire life to set yourself up for your dream retirement. However, there are some obstacles that everyone needs to consider before they can have peace of mind going into their retirement years.

Our FREE seminar will discuss and allow you to ask questions on these critical topics:

  • Will you outlive your retirement income?
  • The 2018 Tax Reform Plan and how it could affect your nest egg
  • Reducing exposure to taxes on your income streams
  • Optimizing your social security benefits
  • Reduce and avoid potential risks - inflation, market exposure, withdrawal rates, sequence of returns, and life expectancy/longevity
  • Maximizing your retirement savings to combat inflation

Register For Your Spot In One Of Our Complimentary Seminars Today!

In addition to all of this valuable information, you will also receive something that is priceless - Peace of Mind! We want you to have confidence in knowing that you will receive knowledge and guidance on your taxes, optimizing your benefits, and help you avoid outliving your retirement savings!

The education that you receive from our complimentary retirement seminars have helped countless people steer clear of the potential obstructions that would have affected them in achieving their retirement goals!

Space is usually limited at these complimentary seminars, so act fast before you miss out. To register for an upcoming complimentary seminar, please contact us today at 833-542-6300 or send us an email at info@fortifiedretirement.com.


Highland Township Public Library
444 Beach Farm Circle
Highland, MI 48356 United States
+ Google Map


Fortified Retirement
(833) 542-6300


What does the presenter get out of this?

Our workshops are meant to educate the community first and foremost. There is no sales pitch, however the presenter may leave his card or contact information and if you wanted to work directly with them at some point that would be up to you.

Who are the presenters at the workshops?

The Presenters are leading Industry professionals in financial and retirement planning, CPA’s Lawyers, Financial Planners to name a few. Many of our speakers are very well known and take time out of their very busy business schedules to provide these free educational retirement workshops just for you.

Is Fortified affiliated with any government agency?

No Fortified is not affiliated with any Government agency and would never share your information.

How much does the Workshop cost?

All of our retirement Workshops are absolutely free.

Who is Fortified?

Fortified Retirement is an educational resource that provides retirement planning workshops and financial workshops free to the public.

Register Now

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Registrations are closed for this event